
2010 Family Business Review Best Paper Awards
Business and Management INK
August 24, 2010

2010 Family Business Review Best Paper Awards

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Journal of Service Research Special Issue: Customer Engagement
Business and Management INK
August 20, 2010

Journal of Service Research Special Issue: Customer Engagement

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Network Theory of Organization: A Multilevel Approach
Business and Management INK
August 19, 2010

Network Theory of Organization: A Multilevel Approach

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Journal of Management 2010 Best Paper Award Winners
Business and Management INK
August 18, 2010

Journal of Management 2010 Best Paper Award Winners

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What Makes It So Great? An Analysis of Human Resources Practices among Fortune’s Best Companies to Work For

What Makes It So Great? An Analysis of Human Resources Practices among Fortune’s Best Companies to Work For

Listen to Tim Hinkin, Bruce Tracey and Glenn Withiam talk about this analysis in this podcast. An Analysis of Human Resources Practices among […]

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Visit SAGE at Academy of Management in Montreal!

Visit SAGE at Academy of Management in Montreal!

The Business and Management Team at SAGE is heading to Montreal to attend the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Say […]

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Small Group Research Examines Jury Deliberations

Small Group Research Examines Jury Deliberations

The August issue of Small Group Research Investigates Jury Deliberations Renee A. Meyers and Joseph A. Bonito, Special Issue Editors describe the […]

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2009 Douglas McGregor Memorial Award

2009 Douglas McGregor Memorial Award

The NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science and The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science are pleased to announce that the Douglas McGregor […]

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Special Issue on Diversity and Human Resource Development Education

Special Issue on Diversity and Human Resource Development Education

Special Issue Editors Linda M. Hite and Kimberly S. McDonald focus on diversity and HRD Education in the latest issue of Advances […]

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Management Studies that Break Your Heart

Management Studies that Break Your Heart

 Today, Gail Whiteman discusses her recent article, Management Studies that Break your Heart, in Journal of Management Inquiry. Who is the target audience for […]

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Common Method Issues:Feature Topic in July 2010 Organizational Research Methods

Common Method Issues:Feature Topic in July 2010 Organizational Research Methods

Read Common Method Issues: An Introduction to the Feature Topic in Organization Research Methods by Paul E. Spector and Michael T. Brannick, […]

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Becoming an Effective Reviewer Can Make Scholars Better Researchers and Writers

Becoming an Effective Reviewer Can Make Scholars Better Researchers and Writers

The Why, What, and How of Reviewer Education: A Human Capital Approach by Sherry E. Sullivan, Yehuda Baruch and Hazlon Schepmyer in the September […]

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