
Exploring Organizational Identities of The Episcopal Church
Business and Management INK
September 8, 2022

Exploring Organizational Identities of The Episcopal Church

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AAPSS Seeks Nominations for 2023 Moynihan Prize
September 8, 2022

AAPSS Seeks Nominations for 2023 Moynihan Prize

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Shirley Malcom To Discuss DBASSE at Henry and Bryna David Lecture
September 7, 2022

Shirley Malcom To Discuss DBASSE at Henry and Bryna David Lecture

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Webinar Takes a Deep Dive into Peer Review
September 7, 2022

Webinar Takes a Deep Dive into Peer Review

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Critics of Academic Freedom Must Not See the Value It Brings

Critics of Academic Freedom Must Not See the Value It Brings

Academic freedom is simply the commonplace and understandable request of workers asking for the conditions they need to competently and effectively carry out their duties as expected, required and urgently needed by society.

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How to Mobilize Narratives in Megaprojects?

How to Mobilize Narratives in Megaprojects?

Promoters and protesters attempt to shape megaproject narratives according to their vested interests. Success of the project then often depends on which of these become the dominant narrative.

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Bobby Duffy on Generation Myths

Bobby Duffy on Generation Myths

In this Social Science Bites podcast, Bobby Duffy offers some key takeaways from the book and his research into the myths and stereotypes that have anchored themselves on generational trends.

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Major UN Report Documents China’s Serious Human Rights Violations in Xinjiang. Will UK Universities Respond?

Major UN Report Documents China’s Serious Human Rights Violations in Xinjiang. Will UK Universities Respond?

UK-China academic collaboration directly involves the CCP and its representatives at the university level. Against the backdrop of the Party’s human rights abuses, argues our anonymous scholar, such collaboration seems increasingly hard to justify.

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When a Crisis Hits: Be Resilient and a Catalyst for Positive Change

When a Crisis Hits: Be Resilient and a Catalyst for Positive Change

Positive resilience — the ability to overcome challenges without taking unfair advantage of others — is a key trait that should be present in an organization’s response to a crisis.

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‘Organization Studies’ Seeks to Award Impactful Student Papers

‘Organization Studies’ Seeks to Award Impactful Student Papers

The Organization Studies and SAGE Student Paper Impact Award is awarded annually to reward post-graduate students who have written a paper that has generated considerable societal impact.

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Social Scientists Should Take a Gander at Golden Goose Award

Social Scientists Should Take a Gander at Golden Goose Award

The annual award ceremony for the Golden Goose Award will take place on September 14, 2022, starting at 6:30 p.m. ET. While […]

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Mercury Project Names First Cohort to Fight Health Misinformation and Increase Vaccine Uptake

Mercury Project Names First Cohort to Fight Health Misinformation and Increase Vaccine Uptake

Through the SSRC’s Mercury Project, a first cohort of 12 teams from 17 countries is tasked with researching locally tailored solutions on how bad health information spreads, how to combat it, how to build stronger information systems, and how to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates.

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