
Whither Nudge? The Debate Itself Offers Lessons on the Influence of Social Science
August 10, 2022

Whither Nudge? The Debate Itself Offers Lessons on the Influence of Social Science

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A Reflection of ‘Managing Diverse Workforce: How to Safeguard Skilled Migrants’ Self-Efficacy and Commitment’
Business and Management INK
August 9, 2022

A Reflection of ‘Managing Diverse Workforce: How to Safeguard Skilled Migrants’ Self-Efficacy and Commitment’

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Whither Nudge? New Evidence Review Questions Its Efficacy
August 9, 2022

Whither Nudge? New Evidence Review Questions Its Efficacy

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The Gender Banter: Implications of Not Practicing What We Preach
August 8, 2022

The Gender Banter: Implications of Not Practicing What We Preach

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Paper on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk Proves a Durable Article

Paper on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk Proves a Durable Article

A 2011 paper on Amazon’s then-new and innovative Mechanical Turk, which among other things crowdsources prospective participants for social and behavioral research via an online marketplace, has garnered 7,500 citations in the subsequent decade.

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The International Sociological Association Should Be Ashamed of Its President

The International Sociological Association Should Be Ashamed of Its President

ISA may not have any great love for the richer countries of the world, argues Robert Dingwall, but its president should be capable of telling the difference between mutual aid among sovereign nations and a desire to subject other countries to external domination.

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Unpacking Impact 

Unpacking Impact 

One reason that many social scientists care about impact is that they see in social science the promise of and a path for knowledge – data, analysis, concepts – shaping the world they want to make. 

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Doing Decolonizing 

Doing Decolonizing 

Business schools and universities across the world are being swept up by a diversified array of decolonizing movements in response to the […]

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Helen Kara Calls for Doing Research As If Our Human Participants Mattered

Helen Kara Calls for Doing Research As If Our Human Participants Mattered

Human research participants are frequently rendered passively in research outputs as ‘research subjects.’ Helen Kara presents three ways in which research participants can be made more central to research.

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Developing Engaging Street Theatre from Interview Materials

Developing Engaging Street Theatre from Interview Materials

This blog post builds on the introduction to spatially-led video interviews. This article outlines the process of taking such digital material and working with writers, dramatists and performers to develop site-specific theatre. Over two workshop days we worked through ways to represent how everyday life changed during the 1960s in Newport, a city in Wales.

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Gerd Gigerenzer on Decision Making

Gerd Gigerenzer on Decision Making

Quite often the ideas of ‘risk’ and of ‘uncertainty’ get bandied about interchangeably, but there’s a world of difference between them. That’s a key message from psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer.

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Paper on Danish National Patient Register Keeps on Giving After 10 Years

Paper on Danish National Patient Register Keeps on Giving After 10 Years

Sage 2443 Impact

A paper looking at the Danish National Patient Register has proved one of the most cited papers published by SAGE in 2011.

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