
How Do Amazingly Effective Teams Emerge?
Business and Management INK
July 29, 2022

How Do Amazingly Effective Teams Emerge?

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Exploring Myths about Casual Employment
Business and Management INK
July 28, 2022

Exploring Myths about Casual Employment

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Thinking About Thinking: The Nexus of Neuroscience, Psychology and AI Research
Science & Social Science
July 27, 2022

Thinking About Thinking: The Nexus of Neuroscience, Psychology and AI Research

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A Chinese Context Challenges ‘Western’ Theory of Power
Business and Management INK
July 27, 2022

A Chinese Context Challenges ‘Western’ Theory of Power

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We Unintentionally Hit a Nerve When Bemoaning the State of Peer Review

We Unintentionally Hit a Nerve When Bemoaning the State of Peer Review

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to fix peer review. An astronomic number of ideas to repair peer review followed a tweet about the system.

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What Do We Know About Entrepreneurship and Peace? And What Do We Need to Find Out?

What Do We Know About Entrepreneurship and Peace? And What Do We Need to Find Out?

As violent conflicts become both more pervasive and more localized, a better understanding of how entrepreneurship and peace interact in conflict zones will prove most useful.

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Sharon Oster, 1949-2022: Pioneer in Equality in Economics

Sharon Oster, 1949-2022: Pioneer in Equality in Economics

Sharon Oster, “a pioneer in the field of organizational strategy” and the first woman to be named dean and tenured professor at Yale University’s School of Management, died of lung cancer on June 10.

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What Ethnographers Have Learned from People Who Use Drugs

What Ethnographers Have Learned from People Who Use Drugs

Can ethnography, long characterized as a lower tier of evidence in studying drug use, find things other approaches miss?

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Rethinking Cross-Cultural Training: ‘Maybe It’s Culture and Maybe It Isn’t’?

Rethinking Cross-Cultural Training: ‘Maybe It’s Culture and Maybe It Isn’t’?

Training to help multicultural teams to mesh and feel comfortable together is reckoned a good thing – unless its done in an overly simplistic manner.

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Working Alongside Artificial Intelligence Key Focus at Critical Thinking Bootcamp 2022

Working Alongside Artificial Intelligence Key Focus at Critical Thinking Bootcamp 2022

SAGE Publishing — the parent of Social Science Space – will hold its Third Annual Critical Thinking Bootcamp on August 9. Leaning more and register here

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Pathways to Foster Employee Engagement Towards Sustainability

Pathways to Foster Employee Engagement Towards Sustainability

How can organizations get their members to engage in sustainability practices? The authors outlines several mechanisms.

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Scientific Collaboration Across Borders Just Gets Harder

Scientific Collaboration Across Borders Just Gets Harder

The development of scientific capacity in many parts of the world and the building of academic ties is critical when it comes to responding to a new virus or tracking changes in climate. And yet …

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