
Boost Member Engagement and Strengthen Your Organization’s Identity with Organizational Hashtags
Public Engagement
July 21, 2022

Boost Member Engagement and Strengthen Your Organization’s Identity with Organizational Hashtags

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Can a Mathematical Model Spot a Liar?
July 20, 2022

Can a Mathematical Model Spot a Liar?

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Advancing the Study of ‘Time’ in Job Crafting
Business and Management INK
July 20, 2022

Advancing the Study of ‘Time’ in Job Crafting

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Microsite Offers Collection of Latest Research on Guns and Violence
July 19, 2022

Microsite Offers Collection of Latest Research on Guns and Violence

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Introducing The Publish Your Reviews Initiative for Preprints

Introducing The Publish Your Reviews Initiative for Preprints

Ludo Waltman and Jessica Polka make the case for a more contextualized approach to open access publishing and preprinting, and introduce the Publish Your Reviews initiative.

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Special Collection on ‘Civic Life of Cities’ Puts Civil Society Organizations in Their Place

Special Collection on ‘Civic Life of Cities’ Puts Civil Society Organizations in Their Place

A multi-place research project in six cities worldwide in the journal ‘Global Perspectives’ brings a new angle to a examination of the civic life of cities.

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Tips For Citing Blogs in Your Research: Lessons from Urban Planning

Tips For Citing Blogs in Your Research: Lessons from Urban Planning

The question of what kinds of blogs were already being cited by academics, and what criteria they were using to guide their choice of blogs animated research by two urban planners.

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Evaluating Team Interdependence from the Perspective of Networks

Evaluating Team Interdependence from the Perspective of Networks

Recognizing the central role of interdependence as a key factor defining teams and team processes, these researchers decided to study the subject.

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Being Available Around the Clock: Giving Voice to Romanian Live-In Caregivers in Austria

Being Available Around the Clock: Giving Voice to Romanian Live-In Caregivers in Austria

The authors saw the need for action to give Romanian live-in caregivers in Austria a voice by studying their experiences from a psychological perspective.

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Gurminder Bhambra on Three Challenges for Reparatory Social Science

Gurminder Bhambra on Three Challenges for Reparatory Social Science

Reflecting on work uncovering the colonial genealogies of foundational works in the social sciences, Gurminder K Bhambra argues for a reparatory social science and highlights three challenges that any reparatory project must face in order to be successful.  

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After Rana Plaza: Scholars Study Exploitive Labor Regimes in Bangladesh

After Rana Plaza: Scholars Study Exploitive Labor Regimes in Bangladesh

Worker exploitation in garment supply chain factories is not just about sweatshops, note the authors of “After Rana Plaza: Governing Exploitative Workplace Labour Regimes in Bangladeshi Garment Export Factories” which appeared in the Journal of Industrial Relations.

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Using Video to Facilitate and Record Spatially-Led Interviews

Using Video to Facilitate and Record Spatially-Led Interviews

In this first of a series of three blog posts, geographer Aled Singleton reflects on his research experience of taking the very naturalistic and low-tech concept of walking conversations and outdoor events into a digital form.

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