
Engineering an Entrepreneurial Mindset
Business and Management INK
June 14, 2022

Engineering an Entrepreneurial Mindset

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Commercializing UK Academia: What’s the Next Step?
Higher Education Reform
June 14, 2022

Commercializing UK Academia: What’s the Next Step?

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Four Types of Strategic Networks and How They Benefit the Innovation Performance of Energy Firms
June 10, 2022

Four Types of Strategic Networks and How They Benefit the Innovation Performance of Energy Firms

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Groundbreaking Archeologist Eduardo Matos Moctezuma Wins Asturias Social Science Prize
June 9, 2022

Groundbreaking Archeologist Eduardo Matos Moctezuma Wins Asturias Social Science Prize

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Enhancing the Role of Local Input for Measuring Value

Enhancing the Role of Local Input for Measuring Value

Organization studies professor Laura Rovelli, one of the advisory board members for the Declaration on Research Assessment, or DORA, discusses some of the components of impact beyond citation count and how we can harness those components.

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Digital Transformation Needs Organizational Talent and Leadership Skills to Be Successful

Digital Transformation Needs Organizational Talent and Leadership Skills to Be Successful

Who drives digital change – the people of the technology? Katharina Gilli explains how her co-authors worked to address that question.

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The Invisible Challenges ‘Foreign’ Authors Must Face

The Invisible Challenges ‘Foreign’ Authors Must Face

‘Scholars from the periphery’ often pay a price — unintentional but no less real — for their geography. In this post, Amon […]

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‘Knowing Through Crime’: How We Define Gun Harm Shapes How We Research It

‘Knowing Through Crime’: How We Define Gun Harm Shapes How We Research It

Scientific evidence, write Jennifer Carlson and Rina James. is shaped by the broader political and cultural contexts in which gun policy is debated. 

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The Meaning of the Platinum Jubilee

The Meaning of the Platinum Jubilee

Robert Dingwall recalls the observations of Edward Shils and Michael Young regarding to coronation of Queen Elizabeth II to offer an insight in the Platinum Jubilee.

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We Cannot Cite Our Way to Equality, But Citational Justice Is Vital

We Cannot Cite Our Way to Equality, But Citational Justice Is Vital

Reflecting on their work to create a guide to fairer citation practices in academic writing, Aurélie Carlier, Hang Nguyen, Lidwien Hollanders, Nicole Basaraba, Sally Wyatt and Sharon Anyango*, highlight challenges to changing citation practices and point to ways in which authors and readers can work towards equitable citations.

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Making the Invisible Visible

Making the Invisible Visible

Despite their pertinence for academia, the authors found little methodological guidance on one of ‘The’ key and most time-intensive steps in meta-analytic research projects – Coding.

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Jonathan Haskel on Intangibles

Jonathan Haskel on Intangibles

The knowledge economy. Intellectual property. Software. Maybe even bitcoin. All pretty much intangible, and yet all clearly real and genuinely valuable. This is the realm where economist Jonathan Haskel of Imperial College London mints his own non-physical scholarship.

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