
Metaverse – Together Alone?
Business and Management INK
June 1, 2022

Metaverse – Together Alone?

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The Two Faces of Technology—What’s Behind the Love/Hate Relationship?
Business and Management INK
May 31, 2022

The Two Faces of Technology—What’s Behind the Love/Hate Relationship?

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Co-Creation With Our Reviewers
Business and Management INK
May 30, 2022

Co-Creation With Our Reviewers

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Political Scientists Explain Why Gun Legislation Always Stalls in US Congress
May 27, 2022

Political Scientists Explain Why Gun Legislation Always Stalls in US Congress

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Paper Is No Longer A Thing, But We Have Failed to Notice

Paper Is No Longer A Thing, But We Have Failed to Notice

The current convention that envisions the manuscript as a self-contained universe produces a range of negative consequences extending beyond papers’ obscene length: many scholars seem to cite papers based on their abstracts or even title alone; reviewing literature takes lots of time; noncore research communities are badly served; new requirements on research transparency and openness are difficult to meet; and, finally, our papers are not particularly enjoyable to read.

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White House Stands up ARPA-H, Names Anthropologist Adam Russell to Lead Launch

White House Stands up ARPA-H, Names Anthropologist Adam Russell to Lead Launch

The United States has formally established the Advanced Research Project Agency for Health, or ARPA-H, as an independent entity within the National Institutes of Health. Anthropologist Adam H. Russell will head the new agency as acting deputy director

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Impact ≠ Impact ≠ Impact 

Impact ≠ Impact ≠ Impact 

In this second response to Ziyad Marar’s thought piece “On Measuring Social Science Impact” from Organizational Studies, Anne-Wil Harzing, professor of international management and staff development lead at Middlesex University Business School, sets the stage for further discussion by defining impact in terms of progressing scientific knowledge, developing critical thinking, and addressing societal problems. 

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Watch a Social Scientist Reflect on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Watch a Social Scientist Reflect on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

“It’s very hard,” explains Sir Lawrence Freedman, “to motivate people when they’re going backwards.”

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As a Black Sociologist and a Mom, What I’ve Learned Listening to Other Black Moms During Pandemic

As a Black Sociologist and a Mom, What I’ve Learned Listening to Other Black Moms During Pandemic

Loren Henderson describes her work with BarBara Scott as part of a small body of descriptive research, mostly by researchers of color, countering negativity and victim-blaming in earlier studies of Black families.

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Do Business Decisions Differ When Racial Minorities Make the Decisions in the Boardroom?

Do Business Decisions Differ When Racial Minorities Make the Decisions in the Boardroom?

The answer may seem obvious, yet empirical evidence is often mixed as to whether the racial composition of a firm’s board of directors influences corporate decisions.

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Acknowledging and Commemorating Jewish American Heritage Month

Acknowledging and Commemorating Jewish American Heritage Month

Jewish American Heritage Month occurs every May in the United States.

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Pandemic Management – The Path Not Taken

Pandemic Management – The Path Not Taken

New data from the WHO show that during the pandemic’s first two years, Sweden had half the excess death rate of the UK, Germany or Spain – and a quarter of the excess death rate of many countries in Eastern Europe.

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