
Richard Heller: Universities Should Be Digital and Distributed
Higher Education Reform
March 3, 2022

Richard Heller: Universities Should Be Digital and Distributed

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University of Oregon Promised $425M to Create Behavioral Health Institute
March 2, 2022

University of Oregon Promised $425M to Create Behavioral Health Institute

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Pew Report Puts Numbers on American Gun Violence
Public Policy
March 2, 2022

Pew Report Puts Numbers on American Gun Violence

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How Organizations Can Help Employees Adapt to Big and Frequent Changes
Business and Management INK
March 2, 2022

How Organizations Can Help Employees Adapt to Big and Frequent Changes

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WHO’s New Pandemic Advisory Body Urged to Tap Into Social And Behavioral Science

WHO’s New Pandemic Advisory Body Urged to Tap Into Social And Behavioral Science

An open letter from World Health Organization experts urges another WHO body to use use social and behavioral science “to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”

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Kathelijne Koops on Chimps and Tools

Kathelijne Koops on Chimps and Tools

Kathelijne Koops, a biological anthropologist at the University of Zurich, works to determine what makes us human. And she approaches this quest by intensely studying the use of tools by other species across sub-Saharan Africa.

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An Invisible Bias with Real Implications for Women Leaders

An Invisible Bias with Real Implications for Women Leaders

The underrepresentation of women in senior leadership positions across all sectors is clearly not a pipeline issue. Research points to bias as one reason they aren’t getting ahead.

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The Role and Impact of Preprints in Open Access Publishing

The Role and Impact of Preprints in Open Access Publishing

Preprint repositories have become the hotspot for disseminating research articles. As a result, many researchers choose preprint over journal publishing to save […]

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Inspiring the Next Generation: Methodspace Series on ‘The Future of Computational Science is Black’

Inspiring the Next Generation: Methodspace Series on ‘The Future of Computational Science is Black’

“The Future of Computational Science is Black” is a series of blogs about SICSS-Howard/Mathematica 2021, the first Summer Institute in Computational Social Science held at a historically Black college or university.

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How Does Putin Think?

How Does Putin Think?

David Canter considers the sorts of psychological processes that may be shaping Vladimir Putin’s actions.

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Addressing Reputation’s Reputation in Management Research

Addressing Reputation’s Reputation in Management Research

Reputation’s own reputation in management research meant that proselytizing the benefits of reputation’s wider use would fall flat if we did not also provide pragmatic ways to address some of its current shortcomings.

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Institute for Advanced Study Draws from Humanities for New Director

Institute for Advanced Study Draws from Humanities for New Director

Earlier this month, David Nirenberg — a professor of medieval history who had been dean of the Divinity School at the University of Chicago — became the the director of the Institute for Advanced Study to come from the humanities.

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