
Talking With Bennie Kara, Winner of the First SAGE Social Justice Book Award
February 23, 2022

Talking With Bennie Kara, Winner of the First SAGE Social Justice Book Award

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Lockdown is Another Triumph of Populism Over Science – Most People Have Behaved Rationally So Far
February 23, 2022

Lockdown is Another Triumph of Populism Over Science – Most People Have Behaved Rationally So Far

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Wha …? Citation Counts Aren’t Necessarily a Proxy for Influence? 
February 22, 2022

Wha …? Citation Counts Aren’t Necessarily a Proxy for Influence? 

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Project X: Resetting Our Understanding of Impact from Outputs to People
February 21, 2022

Project X: Resetting Our Understanding of Impact from Outputs to People

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You, Me, and EMM

You, Me, and EMM

It isn’t immediately obvious why inclusion of a moderator’s cause should make much difference in a model. Only when one does the path analytic math does one see that the obvious approach to testing these models doesn’t work.

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When You Say ‘Interdisciplinary’ I Hear ‘Antidisciplinary’

When You Say ‘Interdisciplinary’ I Hear ‘Antidisciplinary’

An interdisciplinary team is not a group of people trained in “interdisciplinarity.” It’s a group of people who have deep knowledge and sound judgment in their disciplines.

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Alondra Nelson Tabbed to Serve as Acting Head of OSTP

Alondra Nelson Tabbed to Serve as Acting Head of OSTP

On Wednesday, President Joseph Biden handed sociologist Alondra Nelson interim leadership of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Nelson currently serves as OSTP’s deputy director for science and society

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COVID Suggests that Fear Itself Not Sufficient for Health Messaging

COVID Suggests that Fear Itself Not Sufficient for Health Messaging

Research the author and colleagues conducted at Penn State shows that both the escalation and de-escalation of fear must occur for the message to be effective.

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From Speculation to Substantiation: Is Job Satisfaction Changing?

From Speculation to Substantiation: Is Job Satisfaction Changing?

In this article, authors Mindy Shoss, an associate professor of psychology in the industrial/organizational psychology program at the University of Central Florida, […]

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As Pandemic Warps Productivity, Early-Career Professors Envision Changes Evaluating Tenure

As Pandemic Warps Productivity, Early-Career Professors Envision Changes Evaluating Tenure

A Canadian research team observed a profound ripple effect where reduced productivity from increased workload due to the pandemic impacted researchers’ progress.

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Entrepreneurs: Everybody Needs Somebody

Entrepreneurs: Everybody Needs Somebody

Authors Aviel Cogan, Tobias Pret, and Melissa Cardon reflect on their recent article “Everyday social support processes: Household members’ instrumental and emotional […]

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ESRC Early Career Honor Recognizes Researcher Examining Renewable Energy Policies

ESRC Early Career Honor Recognizes Researcher Examining Renewable Energy Policies

Rebecca Windemer, a lecturer at the University of the West of England who studies renewable energy amid the communities where it is generated, received the Economic and Social Research Council’s 2021 Celebrating Impact Prize for the Outstanding Early Career Impact.

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