
Webinar – What Spurs Action on Climate Change?
June 5, 2024

Webinar – What Spurs Action on Climate Change?

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Beyond Net-Zero Targets: When Do Companies Maximize Their Potential to Reduce Carbon Emissions?
Business and Management INK
June 4, 2024

Beyond Net-Zero Targets: When Do Companies Maximize Their Potential to Reduce Carbon Emissions?

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How Social Science Can Hurt Those It Loves
June 4, 2024

How Social Science Can Hurt Those It Loves

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Rob Ford on Immigration
Public Policy
June 3, 2024

Rob Ford on Immigration

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Fourth Edition of ‘The Evidence’: Do Women Make Better Doctors? 

Fourth Edition of ‘The Evidence’: Do Women Make Better Doctors? 

In this issue of The Evidence newsletter, journalist Josephine Lethbridge examines why women doctors see better outcomes in their patients’ health.

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Opportunity to Participate in RFI on Proposed National Secure Data Service

Opportunity to Participate in RFI on Proposed National Secure Data Service

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, scientific collaboration and diplomacy are key when trying to effectively address the […]

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How AI-Integration is Changing the Workplace

How AI-Integration is Changing the Workplace

The authors describe how their study investigated how middle managers perceive the impacts of AI-system integration on their work characteristics in the financial services industry.

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Why Social Science? Because It Can Help Contribute to AI That Benefits Society

Why Social Science? Because It Can Help Contribute to AI That Benefits Society

Social sciences can also inform the design and creation of ethical frameworks and guidelines for AI development and for deployment into systems. Social scientists can contribute expertise: on data quality, equity, and reliability; on how bias manifests in AI algorithms and decision-making processes; on how AI technologies impact marginalized communities and exacerbate existing inequities; and on topics such as fairness, transparency, privacy, and accountability.

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Spring 2024 Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting

Spring 2024 Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting

The advisory committee for the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate meets twice yearly to provide advice, recommendations […]

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Keeping Qualitative Research Weird!

Keeping Qualitative Research Weird!

The authors urge qualitative researchers to retain what makes qualitative research different and powerful and yes… weird: the researcher’s voice, multitudes of potential data sources, and meaningful contextualization.

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Public Interest Attorney Bryan Stevenson to Receive 2024 Moynihan Prize

Public Interest Attorney Bryan Stevenson to Receive 2024 Moynihan Prize

Public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson, the founder and executive director of the Alabama-based Equal Justice Initiative, will receive the 2024 Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize from the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

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Digital Scholarly Records are Facing New Risks

Digital Scholarly Records are Facing New Risks

Drawing on a study of Crossref DOI data, Martin Eve finds evidence to suggest that the current standard of digital preservation could fall worryingly short of ensuring persistent accurate record of scholarly works.

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