
How and When Success Becomes the Fate of Projects
Business and Management INK
January 25, 2022

How and When Success Becomes the Fate of Projects

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Refugee Studies Centre Honored with ESRC Impact Prize
January 24, 2022

Refugee Studies Centre Honored with ESRC Impact Prize

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Would You Forego Citations for Journal Status?
Business and Management INK
January 24, 2022

Would You Forego Citations for Journal Status?

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Competent Partner, Champion of Sustainability–Can Entrepreneurs Play Out Both Cards at the Same Time?
Business and Management INK
January 21, 2022

Competent Partner, Champion of Sustainability–Can Entrepreneurs Play Out Both Cards at the Same Time?

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Does Protecting ‘Academic Freedom’ Include Protecting Academics?

Does Protecting ‘Academic Freedom’ Include Protecting Academics?

Associate professor Siouxsie Wiles and professor Shaun Hendy have become well known for their work explaining the science behind COVID-19 and guiding the public and government response. Is their home institution doing enough to protect them from bad actors?

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Why Are Marketing Analytics Skills Vital, and How Can Business Schools Teach It?

Why Are Marketing Analytics Skills Vital, and How Can Business Schools Teach It?

Yes, there is a body of research and theory on analytics in marketing, and the subject is taught in some institutions. However, there is a lack of coherence

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Engineer and Psychologist Carlotta Arthur to Head DBASSE

Engineer and Psychologist Carlotta Arthur to Head DBASSE

Engineer and psychologist Carlotta M. Arthur, currently director of the Henry Luce Foundation’s Clare Boothe Luce Program for Women in STEM, has been named the new executive director of the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education at America’s National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

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FABBS Welcomes Philip Rubin as New Board President

FABBS Welcomes Philip Rubin as New Board President

Cst Philip E. Rubin, whose extensive resume includes leadership roles at the National Science Foundation and the Office of Science and Technology Policy, is the new president of the board of the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

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Can Video Unlock the Mysteries of Journal Articles for Prospective Future Scientists?

Can Video Unlock the Mysteries of Journal Articles for Prospective Future Scientists?

The principal investigator of an experiment to see how well academic videos can help students understand journal articles suggests the answer is yes, it can help a lot.

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Winning the Australasian Reporting Awards: Does It Matter?

Winning the Australasian Reporting Awards: Does It Matter?

In a study published in the Australian Journal of Management, the authors examine whether the Australasian Reporting Awards assessment criteria reliably reflect the observable quality of financial reporting.

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Collaboration Tackles COVID Through Psychological Science

Collaboration Tackles COVID Through Psychological Science

The Association for Psychological Science Global Collaboration on COVID-19 brought experts together to assess how their field has contributed to responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and identify possibilities for new research to answer unanswered questions.

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There Is No Proof of Rampant Anti-Semitism in University Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offices

There Is No Proof of Rampant Anti-Semitism in University Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offices

The right-wing Heritage Foundation has accused university Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) offices of spreading anti-Semitism on campuses, but its recently  issued […]

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