
Librarian Survey Focuses on Embedding ‘In Life of the User’
November 3, 2021

Librarian Survey Focuses on Embedding ‘In Life of the User’

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Political Scientist James C. Scott Receives A.SK Social Science Award
November 2, 2021

Political Scientist James C. Scott Receives A.SK Social Science Award

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Melanie Simms on Work
Social Science Bites
November 1, 2021

Melanie Simms on Work

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Librarians’ Survey Addresses the ‘Virtual Reality’ of Conference-Going
October 28, 2021

Librarians’ Survey Addresses the ‘Virtual Reality’ of Conference-Going

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Perceived Support Profiles in the Workplace: A Longitudinal Perspective

Perceived Support Profiles in the Workplace: A Longitudinal Perspective

In this post, authors Gaëtane Caesens, Alexandre J. S. Morin, Nicolas Gillet, Florence Stinglhamber reflect on their recent research article, “Perceived Support […]

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Who Gets to Be Part of the Social Science Canon?

Who Gets to Be Part of the Social Science Canon?

Drawing on a quantitative study of sociologists in the 20th century, Nicole Holzhauser argues that not only the content of scientific work, but also social capital has historically played a significant role in allocating recognition and power.

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Webinar: The End of Family Homelessness? Evidence and Analysis for Stronger Policy

Webinar: The End of Family Homelessness? Evidence and Analysis for Stronger Policy

possible solutions to this crisis, especially around unsheltered individuals and families, and what opportunities for real change are available at the local, state and federal levels. 

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Academic Collaboration with China is Important. But What’s the Price?

Academic Collaboration with China is Important. But What’s the Price?

Totalitarian rule and the governance strategies it entails have direct implications for academic internationalization at Chinese universities and for their collaboration with universities abroad.

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To Lead or Not to Lead – That Is the Question

To Lead or Not to Lead – That Is the Question

Our curiosity about how to decipher leading from non-leading questions resulted in a typology of how interview questions can lead in three ways; through introduced content, presupposition and evaluation.

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Virtual Event: Levelling Up – Principles and Practice

Virtual Event: Levelling Up – Principles and Practice

Levelling Up is a flagship policy of the current government of the United Kingdom. It is a powerful phrase, but one which […]

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COVID-19, Masks and Magical Thinking

COVID-19, Masks and Magical Thinking

The state of the face mask debate is rather as if Galileo had published his account of the heliocentric universe and then included a paragraph at the end telling the reader to ignore all the evidence because the Church had declared that everything revolved around the Earth.

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Covid-19: How to Learn the Lessons of Policy Failure

Covid-19: How to Learn the Lessons of Policy Failure

The dust is settling on the UK House of Commons report, produced jointly by its Select Committees on health and on science […]

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