
An Innocuous Quote by Interviewee 11: Re-Thinking Interviews in Social Research
August 4, 2021

An Innocuous Quote by Interviewee 11: Re-Thinking Interviews in Social Research

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Geert Hofstede, 1928-2020: The Engineer of Cross-Cultural Psychology
August 3, 2021

Geert Hofstede, 1928-2020: The Engineer of Cross-Cultural Psychology

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Teaching & Learning: Free Resources Page
August 2, 2021

Teaching & Learning: Free Resources Page

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Let’s Do Research With First Nations Peoples, Not On Them
Research Ethics
August 2, 2021

Let’s Do Research With First Nations Peoples, Not On Them

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Jennifer Richeson on Perceptions of Racial Inequality

Jennifer Richeson on Perceptions of Racial Inequality

There is inequality in the United States, a fact most people accept and which data certainly bears out. But how bad do you think that inequality is, say, based on comparing the wealth held by the average Black person in America and the average white person?

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Watch the Webinar: What Does Inclusion Mean in the World of Research?

Watch the Webinar: What Does Inclusion Mean in the World of Research?

In this hour-long webinar, a funder, editor, and publisher will share what they are doing to make a more inclusive research environment, challenges they face along the way, and ideas for future improvement.

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It’s a Mistake to Kill Critical Study of Religion

It’s a Mistake to Kill Critical Study of Religion

A general assumption is that if a scholar studies religion, then it can only be because they have motives that are only partly scholarly. This is untrue, but the long shadow of theology unhelpfully hangs over us.

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Lessons From This Year’s Student Academic Experience Survey

Lessons From This Year’s Student Academic Experience Survey

Despite the extraordinary circumstances of the last year, this year’s Student Academic Experience Survey, its results and recommendations are a great opportunity for higher education institutions to implement long-lasting change.

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Is COVID-19 Enabling Academic Disaster Capitalism?

Is COVID-19 Enabling Academic Disaster Capitalism?

This seems, writes Daniel Nehring, to be a good time to feel pessimistic about academia in the COVID world, and to turn this pessimism into meaningful debate and effective action.

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What the Pandemic Teaches Us About Human Behavior

What the Pandemic Teaches Us About Human Behavior

During the pandemic, a lot of assumptions were made about how people behave. Many of those assumptions were wrong, writes Stephen Reicher, and they led to disastrous policies.

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Decisnormaitizing and Decolonizing the University Experience and Curriculum

Decisnormaitizing and Decolonizing the University Experience and Curriculum

What can we as university professors and administrators, asks Stephanie Jirard, do to decisnormatize and decolonize our institutions?

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UK Study of Diversity and Inclusion in Social Research Finds We Have ‘Far to Go’

UK Study of Diversity and Inclusion in Social Research Finds We Have ‘Far to Go’

A 2021 report sponsored by the SRA determined that diversity in the UK’s social research community is poor, but “it also shows that there is a strong appetite for change and that many organizations are starting to take steps in the right direction.”

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