
Are Big Tech Companies Bad for Innovation?
Business and Management INK
June 7, 2021

Are Big Tech Companies Bad for Innovation?

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Martha Newson on Identity Fusion
Social Science Bites
June 7, 2021

Martha Newson on Identity Fusion

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Paths from a PhD to the Private Sector
June 7, 2021

Paths from a PhD to the Private Sector

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Watch the Webinar: Doing Research Online
June 3, 2021

Watch the Webinar: Doing Research Online

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2021 ASA Election Results: New Leadership for 2022

2021 ASA Election Results: New Leadership for 2022

The American Sociological Association is pleased to announce the results of their 2021 ASA elections. Congratulations to the 2022-2023 President Prudence Carter […]

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Watch the Webinar: Tourism Management under COVID-19

Watch the Webinar: Tourism Management under COVID-19

In the posted video of the webinar, “Tourism Management under COVID-19: The Research Priority and Changing Publishing Landscape” two senior experts in […]

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Publishers: Changing the Names of Trans People in Their Own Work is Not Enough

Publishers: Changing the Names of Trans People in Their Own Work is Not Enough

Theresa Jane Tanenbaum argues that publishers must commit to correcting all of their records when a scholar changes their name and not just the ones that are easy to correct.

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Microsite Collection Offers New Scholarship on Issues, Trends

Microsite Collection Offers New Scholarship on Issues, Trends

To fully understand and manage any trend or concern of public import and public interest, it is vital to take an interdisciplinary […]

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Why is Interdisciplinary Research on Race and Racism So Important?

Why is Interdisciplinary Research on Race and Racism So Important?

Intersectional problems require interdisciplinary thinking. So when we think about race and racism, it might be worth asking – what are we not seeing by limiting ourselves to a single discipline?

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Universities Are More than Their Score in Rankings Tables

Universities Are More than Their Score in Rankings Tables

Lizzie Gadd argues that any commitment to responsible research assessment needs to include action on global university rankings. She argues universities should unite around the principle of being ‘much more than their rank.’

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Survey Experts Still Scratching Heads Over Trump-Biden Polling Fails

Survey Experts Still Scratching Heads Over Trump-Biden Polling Fails

Lingering questions about the misfire in 2020, in which voter support for then-President Donald Trump was understated in final pre-election polls, suggest that troubles in accurately surveying presidential elections could be deeper and more profound than previously recognized.

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Oliver Laasch Debut Guest on Business and Management Webinar Series

Oliver Laasch Debut Guest on Business and Management Webinar Series

A new webinar series sponsored by SAGE Publishing – the parent of Social Science Space and Business and Management INK – features […]

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