
‘Future Proof’ Universities Must Have Visible Strategies for the Disruption Upon Us
Higher Education Reform
April 16, 2021

‘Future Proof’ Universities Must Have Visible Strategies for the Disruption Upon Us

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Showing How UKRI Foreign Aid Cuts Threaten Impact on the Ground
April 16, 2021

Showing How UKRI Foreign Aid Cuts Threaten Impact on the Ground

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Biden Taps AmStat President to Head Census Bureau
April 14, 2021

Biden Taps AmStat President to Head Census Bureau

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Finding Fault with Faux Facts
Higher Education Reform
April 14, 2021

Finding Fault with Faux Facts

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Returning Absentee Ballots during the 2020 Election – A Surprise Ending?

Returning Absentee Ballots during the 2020 Election – A Surprise Ending?

One of the most heavily contested voting-policy issues in the 2020 election, in both the courts and the political arena, was the deadline […]

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Can We Encourage Public Self-Correction in the  Scientific Record?

Can We Encourage Public Self-Correction in the Scientific Record?

Correcting mistakes in light of new data and updating findings to reflect this is often considered to be a key characteristic of scientific research. Commenting on the ‘Loss-of-Confidence Project’, a study into self-correction amongst psychologists, Julia M. Rohrer, suggests that in practice self-correction of published research is, infrequent, difficult to achieve and perceived to come with reputational costs. However, by reframing and changing the static nature of academic publications, it may be possible to develop a research culture more conducive to self-correction.

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Event: An Earth-Friendly Political Economy

Event: An Earth-Friendly Political Economy

On April 28, 2021, join the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) in partnership with the Hewlett Foundation, the […]

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Marta Tienda Named Next President of AAPSS

Marta Tienda Named Next President of AAPSS

Princeton sociologist Marta Tienda will be the next president of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

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Journal Reviewers Can Help Ensure Indigenous Scholars Are Heard

Journal Reviewers Can Help Ensure Indigenous Scholars Are Heard

Volunteer reviewers are one key obstacle – or ally – in seeing scholarship from indigenous authors makes into mainstream academic journals. Here are some tips to remove obstacles.

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Resources to Mark International Transgender Day of Visibility

Resources to Mark International Transgender Day of Visibility

This post several collects resources that have appeared on Social Science Space centered on trans issues, including a webinar recording on the state of trans studies occasioned by the 2021 publication of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies.

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A New Interest in Larger Social and Behavioral Science Proposals at NSF

A New Interest in Larger Social and Behavioral Science Proposals at NSF

The National Science Foundation is opening up new venues and new vectors for investment in social and behavioral sciences. The head of the NSF’s social science directorate outlines what some of the opportunities are and how to apply for them right now

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Event: Living, Working, Dying: Demographic Insights into COVID-19

Event: Living, Working, Dying: Demographic Insights into COVID-19

On Friday, April 23rd, join the Population Association of America and the Association of Population Centers for a virtual congressional briefing. The […]

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