
Fear of Listening to Patients: Short-sighted on Long Covid
April 6, 2021

Fear of Listening to Patients: Short-sighted on Long Covid

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Events: Hauser Policy Fund Spring Webinar Series
April 6, 2021

Events: Hauser Policy Fund Spring Webinar Series

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Watch the Video: What Are Biosocial Sciences and What Are They Doing in Education?
April 6, 2021

Watch the Video: What Are Biosocial Sciences and What Are They Doing in Education?

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Watch the Webinar: Decolonizing and Decisnormatizing Curricula
April 5, 2021

Watch the Webinar: Decolonizing and Decisnormatizing Curricula

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Can Civics Education Boost Youth Voting? Research Suggests No

Can Civics Education Boost Youth Voting? Research Suggests No

New research shows that states that require civics courses do not necessarily have better test scores, more youth voting or young people volunteering at higher rates than other states

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Quick Tips on Being an Ethical Co-Writer

Quick Tips on Being an Ethical Co-Writer

Co-authorship is now for many social science disciplines the default mode of academic authorship. Reflecting on this, Helen Kara provides insights and advice for authors looking to co-write and co-publish in an ethical way.

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Rich Milner Voted AERA President-Elect

Rich Milner Voted AERA President-Elect

H. Richard Milner IV of Vanderbilt University, whose study of urban education and teacher education has focused on issues of equity and justice, has been voted president-elect of the American Educational Research Association

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Jim Scott on Resistance

Jim Scott on Resistance

When Jim Scott mentions ‘resistance,’ this recovering political scientist isn’t usually talking about grand symbolic statements or large-scale synchronized actions by thousands or more battling an oppressive state. He’s often referring to daily actions by average people, often not acting in concert and perhaps not even seeing themselves as ‘resisting’ at all.

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Changing our Coping Strategies Amidst COVID-19 Living

Changing our Coping Strategies Amidst COVID-19 Living

As people in the U.S. mark six months of coronavirus, the challenges of coping with life during a pandemic continue to evolve. […]

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Survey Data Confirms Asian Americans Now Top Target for Harassment

Survey Data Confirms Asian Americans Now Top Target for Harassment

Since the very beginning of the pandemic, hate crimes toward Asians and Asian Americans have gotten increased media attention. Our data, from the Understanding Coronavirus in America Study, confirms that these events are happening more often – and are not just appearing more common because of press coverage or public awareness.

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Watch the Webinar: Trans Rights Priorities for the Biden Administration

Watch the Webinar: Trans Rights Priorities for the Biden Administration

Marking the publication of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, edited by Abbie Goldberg and Genny Beemyn, a 90-minute panel discussion featuring contributors to that pioneering work addressed the priorities for they have for the new U.S. president in ensuring trans rights.

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Watch the AAPSS Webinar: Addressing Child Maltreatment

Watch the AAPSS Webinar: Addressing Child Maltreatment

What can we do to make child welfare services and systems more proactive, preventative, and holistic? This was the question at hand […]

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