Videos and Past Webinars

This page collects videos – recorded lectures, archived webinars, interviews and more – from across the social and behavioral sciences.

Archived Webinar: Tom Chatfield and Mark Kingwell Discuss Critical Thinking

Archived Webinar: Tom Chatfield and Mark Kingwell Discuss Critical Thinking

Tom Chatfield, author of the new SAGE Publishing book Critical Thinking, and Mark Kingwell, the University of Toronto, held a lively conversation on the import of technology on how we think and act ‘critically.’ Chatfield, described as a ‘tech philosopher,’ and Kingwell, a more traditional professor of philosophy, traded perspectives, insights into the digital, and purportedly post-truth, era in this one-hour webinar.

Ziyad Marar: Building Bridges Between Big Data and Social Research

Ziyad Marar: Building Bridges Between Big Data and Social Research

In a keynote address delivered to the London Info International conference, Ziyad Marar, president of global publishing for SAGE Publishing, outlines the intersection between big data and social science research. He notes that social and behavioral researchers have seen some opportunities as beyond their grasp, and that SAGE is working to bridge that gap.

Archived Webinar: Understanding America’s Rural-Urban Interface

Archived Webinar: Understanding America’s Rural-Urban Interface

America’s rural-urban divide, it seems, has never been greater, a point reinforced by large geographic disparities in support for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. But it is also the case that big cities and rural communities are more tightly integrated than ever and are increasingly interdependent, both economically and socially. That was the starting point for a recent webinar which is archived here.

20 Tips for the Three(!) Careers of the Early Career Researcher

20 Tips for the Three(!) Careers of the Early Career Researcher

It’s not easy being an early career researcher! Establishing your professional identity, developing your independence as a researcher, teaching, competing for grants, coping with increasing levels of administration and – oh yes – developing your ‘output’ – that dreadful word so often used to describe the writing born of your research.

Alan Krueger: Where Does Public Policy Fit in a Gig Economy?

Alan Krueger: Where Does Public Policy Fit in a Gig Economy?

American labor law and social programs were developed in an age where workers labored for a company and could plan to be there for years, if not a lifetime. The velocity of the gig economy’s expansion has left policymakers far behind, says economist Alan Kruger, and he’d like to bring them up to speed.

Archived Webinar: Presenting Data Effectively

Archived Webinar: Presenting Data Effectively

Crystal clear graphs, slides, and reports are valuable – they save an audience’s mental energies, keep a reader engaged, and make you look smart. This webinar covers the science behind presenting data effectively and will leave viewers with direct, pointed changes that can be immediately administered to significantly increase impact.

Video: What is ‘Post-Truth’? What Can We Do About It?

Video: What is ‘Post-Truth’? What Can We Do About It?

At a panel debate held by the Royal Statistical Society titled ‘Post-truth: what is it and what can we do about it,’ panelists from BuzzFeed, Sense about Science, Full Fact, the Oxford Internet Institute and the RSS debated this new phenomenon.

View NIH’s Inaugural Behavioral and Social Science Festival

View NIH’s Inaugural Behavioral and Social Science Festival

The U.S. National Institutes of Health debuted its NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Festival on December 2, an event which focused on research underway in the past year.

Look Up ‘Open Access Help’ in the University Library

Look Up ‘Open Access Help’ in the University Library

Social Science Space reported last week how–according to one survey drawn from the STEM fields–Canadian researchers like the principle of open access […]

Video: Gauging the Size of the Safety Net’s Holes

Video: Gauging the Size of the Safety Net’s Holes

During the Great Recession government programs were supposed to shelter the worst-hit Americans from the worst of the crisis. Did they, and what’s been the fallout since? Join us for a live broadcast answering those questions.


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Research Assessment, Scientometrics, and Qualitative v. Quantitative Measures

Research Assessment, Scientometrics, and Qualitative v. Quantitative Measures

The creation of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) has led to a heated debate on the balance between peer review and evaluative metrics in research assessment regimes. Luciana Balboa, Elizabeth Gadd, Eva Mendez, Janne Pölönen, Karen Stroobants, Erzsebet Toth Cithra and the CoARA Steering Board address these arguments and state CoARA’s commitment to finding ways in which peer review and bibliometrics can be used together responsibly.

Paper to Advance Debate on Dual-Process Theories Genuinely Advanced Debate

Paper to Advance Debate on Dual-Process Theories Genuinely Advanced Debate

Psychologists Jonathan St. B. T. Evans and Keith E. Stanovich have a history of publishing important research papers that resonate for years.

Webinar: Fundamentals of Research Impact

Webinar: Fundamentals of Research Impact

Whether you’re in a research leadership position, working in research development, or a researcher embarking on their project, creating a culture of […]



This Anthropology Course Looks at Built Environment From Animal Perspective

This Anthropology Course Looks at Built Environment From Animal Perspective

Title of course: Space/Power/Species What prompted the idea for the course? A few years ago, I came across the architect Joyce Hwang’s […]

2024 Henry and Bryna David Lecture: K-12 Education in the Age of AI

2024 Henry and Bryna David Lecture: K-12 Education in the Age of AI

The slow, relentless creep of computing is currently in overdrive with powerful artificial intelligence tools impacting every aspect of our lives. What […]

Philosophy Has Been – and Should Be – Integral to AI

Philosophy Has Been – and Should Be – Integral to AI

Philosophy has been instrumental to AI since its inception, and should still be an important contributor as artificial intelligence evolves..


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